Timothy Sykes & Michael Goode Review – Learn to Read SEC Filings

Timothy Sykes & Michael Goode Review – Learn to Read SEC Filings

Learn to Read SEC Filings by Timothy Sykes and Michael DVD Review I just finished reviewing “Learn to Read SEC Filings” by Timothy Sykes and Michael Goode. So what is the verdict on this investing educational DVD? Well first off I have to say that going through this was a bit tough, specially the first part with Michael Goode. Don’t get me wrong, it’s wonderful information and it’s totally needed for those who are interested in taking their trading super serious! But it took me over a week or so to actually finish this! This has been my second time going through this information and it’s helpful that I did go through it again!

It’s a great primer to help you know what to look for, but what I can say is you’ll need to go through it a couple times as well! Maybe not back to back, but hey! Whatever floats your boat! I personally really enjoyed the second half with Timothy Sykes, mostly because he didn’t go through all the small indicators, he showed several sessions of digging up dirt and what to look for. It was quick and it was to the point. Not that Michael Goode’s wasn’t but he is very soft spoken and a bit monotone with very little humor…

I believe Tim really hit it well with his up front personality and having his webcam on so that you can see his Krusty the Clown hair! That was something to enjoy while going through the dredges of hell! THE SEC FILING!!!

But lets get to this a little deeper and don’t get me wrong Michael Goode’s portion was done like a fucking rock star in terms of helping a newbie really start to understand what to look for! You need this, if you’re going to take it further then just charting! You’ll see what the future has for you when you crawl into these filings…

You’ll cry a little bit, maybe put a little poop in your pants because it can get pretty intense….But maybe not this intense:

But I can tell you from doing a few SEC filing research papers on this website ($MONK Surges with Zero Cash and No Employees), it’s a lot funner to review this information after you’ve figured out what you should be searching for. Then the hours of research that it can take to really get an idea for a company becomes like a journey which passes quickly.

Unlike sitting here and watching other people do it! Specially Michael (sorry Mr. Reaper!). If you’re not ready for such a commitment you can always look into charting DVDs by Tim and several others. I personally recommend the Silver Newsletter Subscription by Timothy Sykes it has over 1,400+ video lessons ready for you right when you join and you also get TimAlerts and access to his chatroom for the monthly (or annual) subscription!

But for those interested in taking it to the next level… I’m not kidding and I’m not fucking around! You need to take this course! But hey it’s you’re account, it’s your trading career on the line! Either step up or get out! Better yet the market will get you out for you! No need to bother, you’ll either rise or you’ll fall! If we took a poll, we’ll find that not crashing a burning, but succeeding is much funner and overall healthy for you and everyone around you! Don’t let pump n’ dumpers scam you out of your hard earned money! Take advantage of these “natural occurrences” in nature and dip your hand into the pumpers cookie pot!

Knock it up a notch with your spice weasel! BAM! It’s time! Get Learn to Read SEC Filings today and start kicking some fucking ass!

-Griffith Hawk

One thought on “Timothy Sykes & Michael Goode Review – Learn to Read SEC Filings
  1. I agree with all you said. I like Michael and really enjoyed his detail. Tim is more of a joker and so yes he is easier to watch but Michael showed me what I needed to learn because SEC filings are dry reading and you can miss important details of no one ever showed you how to read them just like you said. A+ dude

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