Can the Hemp Cigars Niche be the Next Big IPO
We’ve got a great company in Colorado that’s currently rolling pure 100% hemp cigars, yes you heard that right, a hemp cigar. Hemp leaf, hemp flower, high CBD and all the goods that come with it. What’s great about this is that this is a new niche an in old niche that will always be around.

It’s perfect for people who don’t like marijuana OR tobacco! So I believe this to be a fine opportunity when this company Acme Hemp Labs goes IPO. When will they go IPO, not sure, but they are rumored to be working with Swisher Sweets. Now if this is true or not, they’ve already moved to the top of Google and have tons of good reviews. Although it’s a new niche it’s already moving things in the niche and it’s something to look deep into if you’re someone who likes to buy companies at the ground floor.
Now they were also rumored to be looking into a crowd fund me account. Perhaps they will perhaps they wont. But we’ll be looking into these hemp cigars and the smokeable hemp type products from an investor point of view. Hemp cigars may be new, but the idea has been around since 2010 when this same company created the cannagar field with a product called a Magar, this is HUGE.
They have the cheaper and higher quality product in both of these categories. However this post is more so a “parter” because we are waiting on more information. Once we do I think their IPO will explode. They are reaching out to wholesalers as well as affiliates for those with a website. Usually once a company pushes these opportunities they are for real and they are customer service based with high quality products.

Just my opinion from what I’ve seen in the past, so keep a look out for hemp cigars because the niche will change a lot because of a lot of garbage out there, but with high quality looking and smoking hemp cigars, this company should EASILY score a great ramp up when they push themselves into the public.
I suppose we’ll wait and see.
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