Evergreen Oktoberfest to Close it’s Doors Forever
From the desk of a very upset Beer Advocated,
[Currently enjoying a real beer: Dogfish Head – Namaste]
So today I had the unfortunate luck of having decided to try out my first Oktoberfest here in Evergreen Colorado. I’ve to date had the privileged of being able to try out over 1500+ types of different beers. Yes 1,500+ I actually stopped counting several years ago, so I’m sure it’s well over that. But to perhaps your surprise I’ve never been to a beer festival EVER! So I thought that the beautiful coming fall day here in beautiful mountainous Evergreen Colorado would truly be a great experience. By the way I barely did anything to this page but it’s ranking pretty high… oh that’s because I’m on top for Evergreen SEO too (for Colorado)… Woah!
I was first greeted by driving up to Buchanan park by seeing a huge practically empty lot. There was a very crapping looking stage playing really crappy… LIKE really crappy music. The band consisted of two people who were way to damn happy looking for such a dead crowd. It reminded me of a preschool birthday party, where all the kids are bored and the entertainment tries to make it seem likes there’s something actually happening that’s awesome, even though everybody knows that’s not the case.
But that really is whatever, I mean there’s beer right? Everything is better with epic, lushish, golden, amber goodness! Well, that was not the case, after paying a ridiculous amount of money to enter into this … place. We (my wife and I) soon found that we had been hoodwinked. This was nothing but a play pin for children and a failed attempt of local business owners (who would be better calling Honorable SEO Evergreen instead) setting up tents to pull in an additional customer base. There was from the quick over view of the event nothing there but vendors, crappy music and from what I noticed 2 different tents serving beer.
One tent had your run of the mill bar beer available and then another with an apple cider and one other possible cider beer. But what I found funny, there was a woman with a small table sitting next to the cider tent with 10+ bottles of wine. At this point from what I saw they should have called this a wine festival! There was more wine at this place then beer. I was under the impression that an Oktoberfest mostly consisted of beer! Right?
This is the epitome of everything that DID NOT happen today at the Evergreen Oktoberfest.
So what the hell was this? I’m not happy, and I believe that the Evergreen Oktoberfest festival should be put to bed… FOREVER. There is no need to spend any money participating in this event when all your getting is generic beer and sold to from every single angle from hungry merchants that want to make back their rent from the space they allotted. I was really pissed not to see any local Colorado breweries come to this festival as well, it really just tells me even further that this event should be cancelled for good! Obviously even professional (and even unprofessional) breweries knew to stay away from the Evergreen Oktoberfest mess.
I actually went and requested a refund 15 minutes in, they of course denied my request. I ended up not even using the beer ticket I had purchased. I ended up giving away the crappy plastic mug they sold me for $5 and the beer voucher to some random guy walking in.
Event Status:
Epic Fail
Good bye, farewell – Scam – Horrible – Evergreen Oktoberfest – Epic FAIL – Not Worth it. And if you should be considering ever going to this event in the future, I would highly suggest saving your money and attending the festivals in Denver instead. Let the professionals take charge, these newbies need to be put in their place.
-Griffith “the Trader” Hawk
Honorable SEO – Evergreen
4961 Little Cub Creek Road
Evergreen, Colorado 80439
(303) 800-6021
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I’ve walked past a few little beerfests and looking at the state of many of the attendees and the aroma, which was not fresh, decided to give them a miss. Now if it was Munich, maybe that would be different:)
At least you got beer…
Very interesting blog. Thanks